The new Japanese dance game.
This game is based upon the
breakdancing moves performed
by people the world over.
Bust-A-Groove is the latest Japanese dance game that
has been released this year. This game is the same as most of the other beat games that have been created, but with one major difference, this one has
Bust-A-Groove is a game which tests your sense of rhythm and beat. You are able to choose characters to battle against each other, and the person who does the most moves will win.
The game has a mixture of Japanese pop, rock, 70's dance music, some rap, some hip-hop and some others. The music, was created by Japan's largest music company, Avex Trax.
The characters in the game, are 3D and may appear childish at first. But the more you play the game, the more you will begin to like the way the characters look.
This game is liked by many people around the world. This game is a great party game and can be played by yourself or against your friends.